
We believe that one of the great parts of scouting is when we are part of something bigger, when we feel part of that worldwide family of scouting.

To bring this into a simple fun game of bowling is a high aim, but why not?


This all started as a fellow leader used to run a postal bowling competition, now technology has moved on a bit, we can make it global, and all electronic.

We've used the money raised so far to support International trips to Portugal and Spain, for some Portuguese Explorers to visit us, to help our Farnham Explorers who have been selected for the World Scout Jamboree, as a hardship fund, and to subsidise camps, as well as general unit activities.

All funds raised from the 2019 competition will be donated to Farnham Explorer Scouts. To support unit activities including, but not limited to, World Scout Jamboree participants, our summer camp, and subsidising those who otherwise would not be able to afford to go to events.


The main organiser is a leader of Farnham Explorer Scouts, based in Surrey in the UK. One of the main organisers behind Theme Park Camp, a national camp for Explorer and Network Scouts in the UK, that has been running since 2002.

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